Reese no longer hearts Ryan...

Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe announced today their separation. Blogger Perez Hilton intimated on his site that Ryan may have been involved in some extracurricular activities on the set of his new movie in Texas.
So is it an ego thing? Why do people cheat in Hollywood relationships? Why aren't there more examples of strong values like those displayed by Paul Newman and his wife of a gazillion years, Joanne Woodward? Was Ryan dismayed at his wife's meteoric rise to stardom?
Why do people cheat?
I'm a gal close to hitting 30...well, at least I will be in a couple of years. In the ten years I've been dating, I've been cheated on by at least HALF of my boyfriends - but I've never been tempted to cheat. What's the deal, guys?
I get the biological urge to spread your, but is it that difficult to commit to one mate? Is monogamy truly against our base nature?
That's what I'd like to know - am I some sort of freak because I'm loyal to my significant other?
Discuss, discuss.
P.S. Who on EARTH would cheat on Reese Witherspoon?
People cheat for the strangest reasons. Some feel that their partner isn't giving them what they want. Some do it because of the thrill of "hooking up" with someone other than their significant other. Some do it because they are in a situation they don't want to be in and just want to "get out".
I don't understand why half of your relationships have ended in someone cheating on you..and since we haven't dated I can't give you any hard facts.
From where I stood, maybe my EX felt that she was trapped and had no way to get out other than to do it. I shouldn't give her excuses, but maybe we should look inside ourselves to find the things that we are deficient in and fix them. I know I have a long way to go.
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