Acting...or true love?

Take Brangelina.
Celebrity gossips salivated over the end of Brad Pitt's marriage to Jennifer Aniston, and almost overnight, hats and t-shirts bearing either "Team Jolie" or "Team Aniston" appeared in chic L.A. boutiques. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie starred together in the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and the chemistry was clearly palpable.
In just over a year-and-a-half, the two have had a child together, and Pitt has adopted her two children. So...which came first?
On-set hookups like these make me tend to believe that when two actors playing lovers throw themselves into character, they may actually think they're in love. And when the cameras stop rolling, the feigned passion may actually ignite into something palpable. Once someone is convinced they're in love, they may find it easier to justify cheating on a significant other or spouse.

Another example is Owen Wilson and his new paramour Kate Hudson. She left her husband for the notorious ladies' man - ending what many in the industry thought was a stable, loving relationship. How'd that happen? They met on the set of You, Me and Dupree.
Still doubting? Try Jennifer Garner and first husband Scott Foley. They fell in love while playing love interests on the set of Felicity, married, and subsequently, she landed the starring role on Alias. Wanna take a stab at what happened next?
Yeah, she totally left her husband for on-screen love interest Michael Vartan.
The fact that we as a society create new and fun ways to make cheating permissive reminds me of why I'm not married.
I'm just sayin'...
Two other examples off the top of my head... Meg Ryan met Anthony Edwards on the set of Top Gun, and they started dating.... Then she met Dennis Quaid while making Innerspace. They were married for ten years.... until she got together with Russell Crowe on the set of Proof of Life. Which turned out to be a short-lived relationship.
Tom Cruise was married to Mimi Rogers when he co-starred with Nicole Kidman in Days of Thunder. Then he met Penelope Cruz -- his co-star in Vanilla Sky.
As a side note, it seems like these affairs that break up marriages are usually very short-lived. Which isn't surprising -- relationships that have their origins in infidelity rarely last. But it makes it that much sadder that people break up their families for what is essentially a whim.
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