Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dancing...on ESPN??

Well, first let me say something about Jeff Bowden's leaving. Thank God. It's about time. The only thing that concerned me is how Bobby was still trying to talk Jeff out of leaving. Honestly though, by the tone of the press conference that it seemed to be almost a "resign or be fired" kind of deal. Who cares though. The important thing is that he is gone.

On to the topic at hand. As some know, Emmitt Smith and his lovely partner Cheryl Burke won Dancing with the Stars last night. In my personal opinion, Mario was the better dancer throughout. Should Mario have won? If it was a true test of dance technique, etc. then yes he probably should have. However, this is and has been a popularity contest, and Emmitt had a cable TV network in his corner.

Now don't get me wrong - Emmitt and Cheryl were good. Emmitt really is a good guy (even though he's a Gator), and I admit I have a crush on Cheryl Burke. However, I have to wonder if ESPN's profiling of Emmitt being up for the finals of the show had an effect on the final vote tally.

Sorry, but I think Mario Lopez and Katarina deserved the trophy more based on their dance floor performance. Even though the audience + judges scoring method has worked in the past, I think ABC needs to do some tweaking.


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