Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Ever since I can remember, those words echoed from Rod Roddy at about 11:00 am. An era of "The Price is Right" passed when Rod did, but now comes what may be the death blow for America's favorite game show. Bob Barker is retiring this coming June.

Call it sappy, but I still remember spending summers at my Grandma's house, drinking a milkshake and sitting down to watch at least part of "The Price is Right". Yeah, milkshakes at 11:00 am. It was "Grandma's House Priviledge". Anyway, the "Price" music was loud, the lights were bright, and the games were kinda cheesy. OK, so they are really pretty cheesy, but in that 70's TV nostalgia kind of way. But you know, this game show still kinda brings out a good memory or 3 every time I see it.

What I always loved to watch were the contestants. Some days it seemed like the worst trailer park from the bowels of the Southeast somewhere sent their rejects to look like a bunch of idiots on national TV. As part of that, my cousin and I came up with the "contestant correlation". The more "hefty" that a contestant was, the more likely they were to get excited and jump poor ol' Bob. Just watch next time - you'll see.

Question is, though.....what is it about being on a TV game show (or on TV period for that matter) that tends to bring out the inner dumbass? DISCUSS, people. Discuss.

Have fun in retirement, Bob. And remember to keep your pets spayed and neutered.


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